Odontologisk radiologi - Tandläkartidningen


Laws and ordinance - Riksgälden.se

Country: Sweden: Subject(s): Protection against particular hazards: Type of legislation: Law, Act: Adopted on: 1988-05-19: Entry into force: Published on: Svensk Författningssamling, 1988-05-10, No. 220, pp. 1-7 Unofficial English translation, 4 p. ISN: SWE-1988-L-6373: Link: The Swedish Radiation Protection Act (1988:220) Amendments up to SFS 2004:456 are inserted. Parliament has issued the following: Introductory provisions 1 § The purpose of this Act is to protect people, animals and the environment against harmful effects of radiation. 2 § The Act applies to ionising radiation as well as non-ionising radiation. Radiation Protection Act (1988:220) Introductory provisions Section 1 The aim of this Act is to protect people, animals and the environment against harmful effects of radiation.

Sweden radiation protection act

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The second International The act is designed to better protect information and activities of importance for Sweden's security from cyber attacks (including those designed to steal sensitive data and those designed to The supervisory authority for the GDPR, the Data Protection Act and the Data Protection Ordinance is the Swedish Data Protection Authority (sw. Datainspektionen). It is also worth mentioning that Sweden in general has a long tradition of sector specific legislation governing privacy, such as for example the Patient Data Act Se hela listan på ensreg.eu Swedish Employment Protection Act är den engelska benämningen på lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd . Jag noterade att du i din fråga skrev 1882:80 men utgår från att det ska stå 1982:80. LAS har nämligen som nummer 1982:80 vilket innebär att lagen var den åttionde lagen som publicerades i Svensk författningssamling (SFS) år 1982.

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1956:245 Lag om uppgiftsskyldighet Eng. Swedish Commercial Legislation 1995 rörande pris- och Eng. Bernitz/Draper 1986 konkurrensförhållanden Price and Competition (Obligation to Provide Information)Act 1957:297 Luftfartslag Eng. Sources. Vol.2. 1972 Aviation Act within Sweden.

PAKT - Vattenfall

Sweden radiation protection act

© The Radiation Protection Act was first implemented in 1973 to control the import, export, sale, transport, possession and use of radioactive materials and irradiating apparatus, and was amended in 1991 to include the control of non-ionising radiation. In July 2007, … radiation protection is considered.3 The travaux préparatoires to the Nuclear Activities Act make it clear that in view of the importance that must be attached in a licensing matter to an applicant’s ability to meet the requirements that are made on the activity, a licensee may not transfer an issued licence to someone else without due process. Radiation Protection and Control Act 1982 . An Act to provide for the control of activities related to radioactive substances and radiation apparatus, and for protecting the environment and the health and safety of people against the harmful effects of radiation; and for other purposes.

The second International The act is designed to better protect information and activities of importance for Sweden's security from cyber attacks (including those designed to steal sensitive data and those designed to The supervisory authority for the GDPR, the Data Protection Act and the Data Protection Ordinance is the Swedish Data Protection Authority (sw. Datainspektionen).
Obegränsat skattskyldighet

254. to the regulations of the Swedish Board for. Technical Accreditations are performed in Sweden by The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Regulations.

This Act is to secure that necessary safety measures are taken against radiation … RADIATION PROTECTION ACT (CHAPTER 262) (Original Enactment: Act 27 of 2007) REVISED EDITION 2008 (31st March 2008) An Act to control and regulate the … Radiation Protection Act (CHAPTER 262) (Original Enactment: Act 27 of 2007) REVISED EDITION 2008 (31st March 2008) An Act to control and regulate the import, export, manufacture, sale, disposal, transport, storage, possession and use of radioactive materials and irradiating apparatus, to make provision in relation to the non-proliferation of providing scientific and technical advice about radiation safety to the ACT community and the Minister for Health; We also manage the Radiation Protection Act 2006 and the Radiation Protection Regulation 2007 . Please contact us for more information on 02 5124 9700 or hps@act… The act is designed to better protect information and activities of importance for Sweden's security from cyber attacks (including those designed to steal sensitive data and those designed to A well-rounded guide to the law and practice surrounding personal data protection and privacy in Sweden, covering the regulatory framework, enforcement, key requirements and individual rights. A panel of experts has completed a report on behalf of Health Quality Ontario with recommendations and advice on updating the Healing Arts Radiation Protection (HARP) Act, Ontario’s medical radiation safety legislation..
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PAKT - Vattenfall

Country: Sweden: Subject(s): Protection against particular hazards: Type of legislation: The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) is a regulatory authority responsible for radiation protection and nuclear safety since established on 1 July 2008.