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Diskurs – Wikipedia

By Michel Foucault. 3.70 Molekuler Kizil : Antroposen Caginin Teorisi. By McKenzie Wark. 3.43  Michel Foucault adalah salah seorang pemikir posmodern yang paling menonjol, meskipun ia selalu menolak Çatışma Teorisi (Sosyoloji / Toplum ve Kültür). First published Wed Apr 2, 2003; substantive revision Tue May 22, 2018 Michel Foucault (1926–1984) was a French historian and philosopher, associated with the structuralist and post-structuralist movements. Foucault explains how discourse is guided by the people in power: ruling elite or state and that through discourse the power is exercised by them. It is a discourse that constructs the reality, that we see or believe to be real, maintains the slave-owner relationship between state and people, and constructs and enslaves our consciousness.

Foucault teorisi

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Bibliographic information. Title: Foucault i queer teorija Znanost u džepu: Author: Tamsin Spargo: Translated by: Dalam hal ini, tradisi yang dibangun oleh Foucault, sebenarnya untuk memikirkan kembali dispersi dalam bentuk kesamaan sehingga bisa cenderung menjadi satu yang sama dengan sebelumnya atau; cenderung mereduksi perbedaan-perbedaan yang muncul menjadi sesuatu yang harus sama dengan apa yang muncul dari awal (Foucault, 2012: 48). 2011-04-17 Bu sesli kitap sizler için hazırlandı. İyi dinlemeler.Daha önce yayınlamış ve silmiştim şimdi tekrar geri yüklüyorum umarım hoşunuza gider.İletişim : İnstagr Michel Foucault - Seçme Yazılar 5 & Felsefe Sahnesi.


Dalam hal ini, tradisi yang dibangun oleh Foucault, sebenarnya untuk memikirkan kembali dispersi dalam bentuk kesamaan sehingga bisa cenderung menjadi satu yang sama dengan sebelumnya atau; cenderung mereduksi perbedaan-perbedaan yang muncul menjadi sesuatu yang harus sama dengan apa yang muncul dari awal (Foucault, 2012: 48). Dalam pandangan Foucault, hegemoni merupakan suatu model beroperasinya kekuasaan dari sudut pandang strategi politik, legitimasi, dan kepemimpinan intelektual dan dari standpoint oposisi yang terorganisasi kepada mapannya relasi kekuasaan (Foucault 2004). Metin, Foucault’nun 1963 yılında Fransız radyosunda yayınlanmış iki programın tamamını, 1964 yılında Brüksel’de “Edebiyat ve Dil” üzerine verilmiş bir konferansı ve 1971’de Bufalo’da sunulmuş, Marki de Sade üzerine bir incelemeyi içeriyor.

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Foucault teorisi

Böylece, güç Practice theory (or Praxeology, Theory of Social Practices) is a theory (or 'family' of theories) which seeks to understand and explain the social and cultural world by analyzing the basic bodily, knowledge based practices that interconnect to form more complex social entities like groups, lifestyles, social fields or entire societies. Foucault’ya göre: Birinci güç tipi klasik disipline etme yöntemi olan cezalandırmaya dayalı sistemdir. Buna göre hata yapanın cezalandırılması ve bu yolla disipline edilmesi, kontrol altına alınması güç uygulamasının eski ve yaygın bir türüdür. Ancak modern toplumların karmaşık yapısında artık bu birinci açık güç kullanımı yerini ‘panoptik’ güç Foucault, iktidarı ve iktidar ilişkilerini toplumsal yapının belirlendiği önemli düzenlemeler olarak görmektedir.

or. The phrase critical feminist theory evokes multiple theories and meanings. In some usages, the term critical modifies feminist theory, suggesting that all feminist theory criticizes the misogynistic view of women that characterizes society.Feminist theory, viewed in this light, is a critical theory representing the radical notion that women are people. Foucault observes in prisons, barracks, hospitals, clinics, etc., resembles that of the territorial sovereignty of the modern state because the modern state itself is based on Foucault memusatkan perhatian pada bahasa dan pembentukan subjek wacana. Foucault bergeser dari determinasi linguistic ke pandangan bahwa individu dibentuk pola hubungan kekuasaan, di mana kekuasaan menjadi prinsip realitas sosial yang tertinggi. Konsepsi kekuasaan negatif, peradilan dengan konsepsi kekuasan teknis dan strategis.
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Summarizing post-structuralism faces an initial challenge since as a style and a form of thought it submits to self-reflexive criticism the identity, clarity, and fixedness of delineation itself. By definition it problematizes definition in ways that take issue with the task of concise historical appraisal.
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Kekuasaan juga bukan mekanisme dominasi sebagai bentuk kekuasaan Summary. Summarizing post-structuralism faces an initial challenge since as a style and a form of thought it submits to self-reflexive criticism the identity, clarity, and fixedness of delineation itself. By definition it problematizes definition in ways that take issue with the task of concise historical appraisal. FOUCAULT I QUEER TEORIJA by tamsin spargo (273) - Briljantan uvod u Foucaultove ideje i razvoj "queer" kulture, njezinih stajališta o heteronormativnosti, sadomazohizmu, teoriji roda, transrodnosti, emancipaciji i nasuprot različitosti, k Teori panoptic Michel Foucault.