Abend ASRA. Hur man hanterar detta - Waymanamechurch


Abend ASRA. Hur man hanterar detta - Waymanamechurch

TASK=xxxx in the dump heading indicates the trans-id for the bending task. DATE= and TIME= in the dump heading indicate the date and time of the abend. Note the abend code in the dump heading. For ASRA abends, determine the type of program check by looking at the last hex character of the third full word in the PSW. ABEND occurred Registers at last EXEC CICS Storage Protect Key of cancelling task Possible program causing the cancelation Transaction Canceling The type of CICS cancelation is provided on the first line via acode (e.g., ASRA) followed by the transaction that was involved. Help - Computer and tech - ASRA CICS Abend On Mainframe - Ask questions. You are getting the AZI6 because the program was function shipped to another region, and it abend in that remote address space.

Cics abend asra

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You will need a "Yellow Card" or an equivalent, because once you find the instruction address, you'll need to know the instruction type. Look at the CICS Job Logs and you will find the ASRA reported there. you should also find the offset in the program where the ASRA occured. then view the program compile listing to find the offset of the offending instruction.

Program Interrupt Codes - IBM Knowledge Center

The CICS transaction identifier is "NESW" (TRAN=NESW). The CICS program identifier is DCNESW00 (RIDS/DCNESW00). The second fullword of the PSW (Program Status Word) tells us that the NSI (Next Sequential Instruction) after the failing instruction is at x'8EDF0032'.

IBM Knowledge Center

Cics abend asra

AEQM/PEQM. This abend is issued by the MRO/ISC Queue Management function when canceling tasks that are waiting for remote MRO/ISC sessions. AC017C ASRA - This abend occured beacuse of invalid non numeric data AICA - A looping task has been terminated with this abend code by CICS because it was executing without giving up control longer than the time period specified by the ICVR keyword in the CICS SIT. Related Searches to What is an AICA abend ? asra abend in cics cics abend codes and solutions cics abend codes cics transaction abend codes how to debug asra abend in cics aeia abend dhai abend cics abend 1152 how to fix asra abend aica abend in cics cics asra abend protection exception cics abend codes dfhac2206 abend asra cics abend code aica explanation 0c7 abend soc7 abend cics return At first I didn't think that it stood for anything at all as lots of other Cics abends don't seem to have any logic behind their naming (AEIA, AEI9, AEY3 etc.). Not only are there ASRA and ASRB, but there are also ASRD and ASRE, so I don't think your theory about Arithmetic shift right etc holds. ABEND occurred Registers at last EXEC CICS Storage Protect Key of cancelling task Possible program causing the cancelation Transaction Canceling The type of CICS cancelation is provided on the first line via acode (e.g., ASRA) followed by the transaction that was involved.

Submitted by: Administrator. A). Alink was issued to a program whose name does not exist in the PPT (Program Processing Table B) A program attempted to use a map that is not defined in the PCT ( Program Control Table). 2021-03-26 · CICS issues an ASRA abend code when it detects that a program check has occurred in a transaction. Program checks can occur for a wide variety of reasons, but you can find the nature of the error from the program interrupt code in the program status word (PSW).
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Dear all, Starting a CICS task recently, getting an ASRA ABEND while performing.

2020-05-21 2015-07-05 CICS - Status Codes - While working with CICS, you may encounter abends. Following are the common abend codes with their description which will help you to resolve the issues − 2015-09-26 CICS Adend Codes:- Execute Interface Block and cics abend codes. Some of the more common CICS abends are briefly described below.
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Program Interrupt Codes - IBM Knowledge Center

Following is the syntax of Handle Abend 2002-07-31 An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but the local SYSID has been specified in an EXEC CICS command, or vice versa. An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but ISC is not supported. An EXEC CICS command contains an invalid AID or CONDITION identifier. This abend indicates that the EXEC CICS command has become corrupted. A CICS program ABENDS with an ASRA ABEND code, What is its meaning? Submitted by: Administrator.