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Sherpa romeo api

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Check out the Sherpa Romeo API on the RapidAPI API Directory. Learn more about this API, its Documentation and Alternatives available on RapidAPI. Sign Up Today for Free to start connecting to the Sherpa Romeo API and 1000s more! Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis. Enter a journal title or issn, or a publisher name below: API Key. Note that SHERPA/RoMEO lets you run 500 requests per day per IP address, by registering for a free API key you can bypass this limit..

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Sherpa romeo api

This service is maintained with support from JISC and the Wellcome Trust. Welcome to Sherpa Romeo. Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis.

Publisher policies are stored in Sherpa Romeo as a set of pathways. Each pathway represents a different way in which a document can become open access. The SHERPA/RoMEO database is available through an Application Programming Interface (API), which meant that we could build an R client to programmatically access this data.
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Clone or download Clone with HTTPS API Key. Note that SHERPA/RoMEO lets you run 500 requests per day per IP address, by registering for a free API key you can bypass this limit.. rromeo can use your registered SHERPA/RoMEO API key; you can either pass it as a string when querying the data with the argument key: SHERPA/RoMEO API – Manual, REST Requests, and Wish List We have been clearing the decks in readiness for the next upgrade to the SHERPA/RoMEO API, which will be a major redevelopment.
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The Sherpa Romeo API provides access to publishers' copyright and archiving policies. This service is maintained with support from JISC and the Wellcome Trust. Check out the Sherpa Romeo API on the RapidAPI API Directory.