Koskeridou Efterpi, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Kranis Charalampos, Faculty of Geology and Assoc. Professor Paris Pavlakis. Dr. Chrysanthi loakim. Lecturer Efterpi Koskeridou. Assist. Professor Nikolaos Voulgaris.
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Efterpi KOSKERIDOU. Search KOSKERIDOU Efterpi on Google Scholar Author identifiers : urn:lsid:zoobank.org:author:E4DDF31D-46AF-44D8-90E7-FFBC551E6D43. Efterpi Koskeridou's Lab. Institution: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Department: Faculty of Geology and Geoenviromment. Overview. Featured projects (1) Efterpi Koskeridou studies Precambrian Geology, Tectonics & Sedimentation, and Cretaceous.
Facies associations in warm-temperate siliciclastic deposits: insights from early Pleistocene eastern Mediterranean (Rhodes, Greece) - Volume 153 Issue 1 - PIERRE MOISSETTE, EFTERPI KOSKERIDOU, HARA DRINIA, JEAN-JACQUES CORNÉE Pierre Moissette, Efterpi Koskeridou, Jean-Jacques Cornée, Françoise Guillocheau, Christophe Lecuyer. SPECTACULAR PRESERVATION OF SEAGRASSES AND SEAGRASS-ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES FROM THE PLIOCENE OF RHODES, GREECE. Palaios, Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2007, 22, pp.200-211.
sp. 327-328 Hara Drinia *, Efterpi Koskeridou,AssiminaAntonarakou Section of Historical Geology and Palaeontology, Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, 157 84 Athens, Greece Received 12 May 2003; accepted 24 November 2003 Available online 31 May 2005 Abstract Dr. Efterpi Koskeridou Geologist-Paleontologist, Professor of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment NKUA.
Notable performance in Thesis (10), Geological mapping (9), Dynamic Geology (10), Statistics (9), Petroleum Geology (8), Mineralogy (8), Tectonics (8, average in 4… Equivalent to 240 ECTS points (4 academic years). BSc thesis subject:
Jun 15, 2015 Google Scholar. EFTERPI KOSKERIDOU ;. EFTERPI KOSKERIDOU. †. Department of Historical Geology-Paleontology.
Roger billela
Geology - Paleontology, Panepistimioupoli Zographou, 157 84 Athens, Greece Coastal fish assemblages are especially vulnerable to environmental changes, but little is known about their evolution through time, mainly due to the scarcity of fossil material from such settings.
e-mail: ekosker@geol.uoa.gr. Efterpi KOSKERIDOU.
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EFTERPI KOSKERIDOU. †. Department of Historical Geology-Paleontology. ,. University of Athens.